Irene Pampillon

The approachable therapist






In-person and

online therapy services


Anxiety is a real bitch. It’s awful. You’re exhausted all the time. You’re sweaty. Your heart races. Terrible. You’ll gain skills to combat your anxiety as well as challenge that tendency to jump to only negative conclusions. 


You’re a pro at telling everyone “yes” and over-booking yourself. Saying “no” causes that inner dread feeling and thinking you’re being an asshole. You’re a people-pleaser and you’re good at it. But people-pleasing is exhausting and holds you back. Maybe it’s time to learn how to say “no” to others and “yes” to yourself.


When you talk to yourself, you’re not super kind to yourself. You’re hard on yourself, you have high expectations of yourself, and falling short isn’t an option. You could use some gentleness and compassion towards yourself. It’s time to treat yourself with the same compassion you share with others in your life.


You look at your life and it seems okay… nothing is terribly negative or derailing, but you still just don’t feel whole, fulfilled, centered – however you’d describe it. Where I can help is zeroing in on your values, what’s meaningful to you, and assist with moving you towards a life that works for *you*.

Okay, A Bit About Me

I’m not your typical therapist. 

I’m real. I’m approachable. I have a potty mouth too. And I don’t think therapy should be some stale, clinical, sterile experience. That sounds like a real shitty therapy experience to me! 

I don’t just put “personable, genuine, laid-back” at the top of my page to be showy. I truly practice with those things in mind. I may have gone through lengthy and specific education/training to be in the role I’m in, but that doesn’t make me any better than you or the “expert” of your life. You’re the expert of your life… I am just trained and skilled at using naturally flowing conversation to elicit the change you’re seeking. 

Judgement has no place in therapy. Period. I am honored you choose to trust me, so no way am I going to tarnish that and ruin the therapeutic relationship with judging you. 

Finally, if you put in the time, the effort, and the work during the therapy process, you will absolutely be transformed. 

I’m willing to invest in you… are you ready to invest in yourself? 

(If you care about the more clinical stuff like my treatment modality, I use a range of evidence-based approaches and techniques including cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT), and psychodynamic and person-centred counselling. Feel free to ask more questions about this if you’d like!)




About You


You’re an adult who has their shit together. You’re ambitious with your career, education, and/or life goals, you have big ideas, you try to do some self-care every once in a while. You really are pretty well put together.

You’re a badass. (Yes, you are. Time to start believing that.)

But there are just those frustrating loose ends that keep you from feeling your best. You’re not very nice to yourself when you make a mistake. You often want to say more or stand up for yourself, but hold back. 

You worry about everything. EVERYTHING. You look at social media and immediately feel FOMO. You don’t feel like you’re keeping up with people. And it sucks to feel that way. You’ve been called a people-pleaser before and you don’t disagree. You’d like to put yourself higher on your priority list, but it just seems impossible.

Your goal is to be successful and happy, but you can’t seem to get there. 

Therapy has maybe crossed your mind, but you felt it was too drastic.

It’s not. It’s just what you need. 

If you don’t feel you fit the mold of what I’ve described, but you still think I’d be a good fit for you, reach out!! I’d love to chat and see how I can assist you!


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